DENTAL XP Multimedia NoteBook SARAJEVO
Filipe Lopes
  1. Semilunar Graft


    Maurice Salama

    SEMILUNAR  GRAFT PROCEDURE (microsurgical tecnique)


    From minute 2' 22'' you can see the procedure itself



    Bone sounding through the sulcus (interproximal peaks of bone & labial bone) with a periodontal probe, to establish a Miller class, only on class I & II defects can you expect total root coveragge.


    To perform the semilunar technique you have to have 2-3mm of remaining keratinized tissue.





    Root debridement

    Tetracyclin paste, mixed with sterile water, during 3 mins





    Semilunar incision on the mesial apsect, at the mucogingival junction, from the line angle on the mesial to the line angle on the distal aspect. This is a sharp dissection down to the periosteum. Then sulcular incision until it communicates all the way through the semilunar incision. It doesn't extend to the papillae.






    vertical sling mattress suture, 2 passes at the back of the tooth


    perfuration of the flap at the ends of the incision, below, in order to coronally advance the flap