DENTAL XP Presentations & Notes to Live Surgery Course SARAJEVO
Filipe Lopes
  1. Block Graft


    Retro-molar Area


    Luca de Stavola 2021


    Mostly on the external oblique ridge of the mandible.



    Individual variability.

    The more lateral and prominent it is, the better and safer to harvest.


    Palpation to feel the horizontal bone volume.


    Access incisions

    (see pictures 1 to 8 below).




    Buccal located incision starting high on the beginning of the vertical projection of the coronoid process, it extends mesially, generally to the level of the first molar (depending on individual variability), 2 or 3mm apart from the marginal gingiva of teeth.


    Establish the trajectory of the inferior alveolar nerve.

    Distally we have a limitation represented by the vertical projection of the coronoid process, in this area the nerve will be, most of the times, very superficial

    Mesially the limitation will depend a lot on individual anatomical variability.






    The vertical distal incision:


    Maximum safe depth about 3 mm.

    Anterior to the anterior border of the coronoid process of the mandible, ideally it should be done within the vertical projection of the coronoid process. However we should be aware of the fact that it will be easy to perform it perpendicular to the top of the bony plateau we're harvesting, this will make this bone incision run way more distally than it should, falling out of the safe zone for harvesting and getting closer to the nerve and to the danger area.


    The mesial incision

    Maximum safe depth about 3 mm.

    Paralell to the distal incision.


    Apical incision/ Apical osteotomy


    Maximal depth of 2mm, you should stay superficial.

    This connects both mesial and distal incisions.



    Cranial/Coronal incision

    We connect the mesial and distal incision cranially, using a 1mm drill, perforating the cortical and getting the feel when you reach the medular bone. This very important because on some parts of this area the nerve can be more superficial.

    The chisel must not penetrate in the bone and it promotes the fracture.





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    Pictures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

    Access incisions and full thickness flap


    Picture 9

    Safe area for harvesting


    Picture 10

    Inadequate running distal orientation


    Picture 11

    Distal vertical bone incision's critical orientation

    adequate vs inadequate


    Picture 12

    Adequate orientation